
This started as a project for my digital print making class. The objective of the assignment was to create a motif, and use it to create a coordinating dress and scarf. For the dress it was required that you find a solid white garment that you could impose your print on, as well as make flats for. Then, create a scarf with 36" x 36" dimensions. 


Visual Art & Design Showcase

When I was approached about entering this piece for the Visual Art & Design Showcase was when this piece came to life. Using Optitex CAD software I was able to create digital pattern pieces for the dress. Once the pattern pieces were created, the dress was brought into Adobe Illustrator, where the print was digitally imposed on the pattern pieces in the desired arrangement. Lastly, the pattern pieces with print were printed out by a fabric printer, leaving nothing left to do but cut and sew. 

This dress is special because it is both an art piece, as well as an example of the innovative technologies being used in the fashion industry. The motif started as a compilation of photographs I took of flowers. They were then arranged and manipulated in Photoshop to create a more abstract art piece, which was then became an engineered print on a garment. 

To learn more about the Undergraduate Visual Art & Design Showcase, follow this link: https://undergraduatestudies.missouri.edu/showcase/about/

Or hear about my personal experience in the video below.